Covid-19 Alert: Nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of our team and our customers. Thousand Oaks Pest Control is still open for business, due to the global impact of COVID-19, we continue to follow government advice and have put in place the following measures.

Most Active Pests During Winter in California

Most Active Pests During Winter in California | Thousand Oaks Pest Control

In comparison to the rest of the country, California’s winters are far more tolerable. Despite this, California’s native pests are seeing a significant change in their activity levels as a direct effect of the climate changes. What do you need to know about winter pest control in California? The majority of insects enter a state […]

Preguntas para hacerle a una empresa de control de plagas en Thousand Oaks, CA

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No espere a que los roedores e insectos invadan su casa. ¿Recuerdas el dicho, más vale prevenir que curar? El control de plagas debe ser una prioridad para todos los propietarios de viviendas. Puede manejar los problemas de plagas utilizando simples trucos y técnicas de bricolaje. Sin embargo, las cosas llegan a un punto en […]

Questions to Ask a Pest Control Company in Thousand Oaks, CA 

pest control questions eng

Don’t wait until rodents and insects invade your house. Remember the saying, prevention is better than cure? Pest control should be a top priority for every homeowner. You can handle pest issues using simple DIY tricks and techniques. However, things do get to a point where you can’t deal with them independently. If you are […]