Covid-19 Alert: Nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of our team and our customers. Thousand Oaks Pest Control is still open for business, due to the global impact of COVID-19, we continue to follow government advice and have put in place the following measures.

8 señales tempranas de chinches

bed bug signs esp

Las chinches son pequeños insectos rojizos que se alimentan de la sangre de humanos y animales durante la noche. La mayoría de la gente ha oído hablar de ellos, pero muy pocos saben qué buscar, como el primer signo de una infestación. Su pequeño tamaño y su capacidad para esconderse hacen que sea un desafío […]

8 Early Signs of Bed Bugs

bed bug signs eng

Bed bugs are little, crimson insects that feed on both human and animal blood at night. Although most individuals are aware of them, few are aware of the early warning indicators, such as an infestation. They are difficult to eradicate because of their tiny size and capacity for concealment. They have a huge influence on […]