Covid-19 Alert: Nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of our team and our customers. Thousand Oaks Pest Control is still open for business, due to the global impact of COVID-19, we continue to follow government advice and have put in place the following measures.

Benefits of Knowing About Fleas & Ticks

Benefits of Knowing About Fleas & Ticks

During the flea and tick season, a significant number of pet owners experience apprehension and concern. Fleas and ticks are parasitic organisms that can cause harm to both domesticated animals and humans alike. In the event of a rise in temperature, one may inquire as to the commencement of flea and tick season. The assemblage […]

7 acciones que hacer si se descubren pulgas en tu casa

What To Do If You Have Fleas At Home | Thousand Oaks Pest Control

Es horrible vivir con pulgas, y nadie quiere hacerlo si puede evitarlo. Están construidos para ser robustos y, una vez que han obtenido acceso a su sala de estar, no pierden mucho tiempo en establecer su dominio sobre ella. Además de la miseria y el tormento que infligen, se sabe que las pulgas transmiten enfermedades […]